Néstor Basterretxea (Museo Bellas Artes of Bilbao, Spain)
General presentation of the seminar
The III International Seminar on Critical Thinking has some origins worth remembering. This seminar was born from the effort of a group of professionals from the University of Averio who have spent years working on the development of critical thinking at all levels of education. Subsequently, this initiative is developed in UTAD, continuing with the idea of exploring new challenges in the field, both in the field of research and in the applied world. Here are the initiatives that give meaning to this new edition of the PC Seminar.
Historical aspects of the seminar
The III International Seminar on Critical Thinking is possible because of the valuable contributions and lessons learned from the previous editions of the same.
The I Seminar: Critical Thinking in Education: Research, Training and Future Perspectives, took place in Aveiro, Portugal, in 2013:
The II Seminar: Critical Thinking in Education: Current Challenges, was held in Vila Real, Portugal, in 2015:
Both seminars gave us valuable lessons about the need to consolidate this field of research and reflection. And this is the task that we assume, and it is also the invitation we make to the academic and professional community.
Location: University of Caldas.
The University of Caldas, in fulfillment of the social function that corresponds to its public nature, has the mission of generating, contributing, disseminating and applying knowledge, through curricular processes, research and projection, to contribute to integrally forming useful citizens to the society. This allows solutions to regional and national problems and contribute to the sustainable development and integration of the center-west of Colombia.