Workshop 1. A. Creativity development and B. Critical thinking with creativity. 1A: by Profª. Themys Moura de Carvalho. 1B: by Prof. Ariel Campirán
Workshop 2. Standardized and performance evaluation techniques. By Profª. Silvia F. Rivas.
Workshop 3. Strategies for the Development of
critical thinking in the classroom. By Prof. Yasaldez E. L. Zuluaga
Workshop 4. Evaluation of the PC in the science area. The problem in problem-based learning (PBL). By Profª. Patricia Morales
Workshop 5. Promoting Critical Thinking in
university professors. By Profes.: Amanda Franco, Rui Vieira, and Celina Tenreiro
Workshop 6. Modeling of Critical Thinking in science classrooms. By Prof. Óscar Tamayo.
Workshop 7. Promotion of Critical Thinking: Awareness about personal convictions and cognitive biases. By the Profes.: Amanda Franco and Rui Vieira.
Workshop 8. Critical Thought Development. By Prof. Carlos Saiz.